haku: @journal_id 475 / yhteensä: 1037
viite: 13 / 1037
Tekijä:Greve, H. R.
Otsikko:Fast and expensive: the diffusion of a disappointing innovation
Lehti:Strategic Management Journal
2011 : SEP, VOL. 32:9 p. 949-968
Asiasana:technological innovation
technology transfer
organizational behaviour
strategic planning
competitive advantage
physical distribution
Tiivistelmä:This article applies a unique dataset on a disappointing innovation to investigate how adoption decisions are imitated, but actual use and later abandonment can give information that reduces the probability that others will adapt. The results indicate imitation of the adoptions of other companies, but avoidance of the innovation once these companies start using the innovation or desert it.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 276204
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