res_id: 3306
Selma on Eduskunnan kirjaston kirjastotietokanta. Erillishakuna kotimaisen oikeuskirjallisuuden haku alkaen 1982. Sisältää mm. Bibliographia iuridica Fennican atk:lle tallennetun ja painettuina vuosiluetteloina ilmestyneen aineiston vuosilta 1982 - 1993.
SELMA is the online catalogue of the Library of Parliament. The Printed Materials Collection contains information on the Finnish Parliament and the parliaments of other countries and their activities. The legal collection contains Finnish and international statute books, case law and jurisprudential literature. Literature on the social and political sciences includes materials on politics, social history and international relations. The Library also includes documents and publications issued by many international organisations and official documents and publications published by Finnish authorities.
Types: Collection databases | Legislation
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device_type: computer