res_id: 44175
American Society of Civil Engineeringin tuottama rakennustekniikan tietokanta ASCE, joka kattaa abstraktit kaikista yhdistyksen julkaisuista, lehdistä, konferenssijulkaisuista, standardeista yms. Vain lehdet saatavissa kokotekstinä. Ilman Aalto-tunnuksia aineistojen viitetiedot ovat haettavissa osoitteessa
The Civil Engineering Database (CEDB) is designed to provide easy bibliographic access to all ASCE publications. The database covers ASCE documents published since 1970. It provides abstracts to all the journals, conference proceedings, books, standards, manuals, magazines, and newspapers. Full-text access is only to the journals. Without the Aalto username and password the reference data can be searched at
Types: E-journals | Reference databases
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device_type: computer