Request an appointment to meet an information specialist

Art, design and architecture
Use this form to request an appointment for a personal information retrieval support session. During the session you will meet with an Information Specialist at Aalto University Learning Centre for approx. 1-2 hours.

Please note: appointments may not be available at the time requested. Your appointment will be confirmed by email.
Required fields are marked with *
Fill the form and press the Send button. The form can be cleared by pressing Reset.
Name *:
Student number:
E-mail *:

Phone number:
Your role at Aalto University? (choose one of the following) *:
Bachelor's degree student
Master's degree student
Doctoral student
Research and / or teaching
Not affiliated with Aalto University
Please answer the following questions to make the appointment and prepare for the guidance:
Date and time: *

We arrange IR support sessions from Monday to Friday. Please tell us which dates and times would suit you the best:
Most suitable dates and times (3-4 options):
Degree programme, subject and previous information retrieval experience:

What subject do you major in? / Which department do you work in?
What is the subject of your thesis or research? / What information retrieval problem do you need help with?
Where have you already looked for information and resources?
Estimate how well you know the following:

Resource I know this one well I have tried this I have not tried this
Aalto-Primo search service:
Finna search service (
E-journal databases (e.g. Ebsco):
E-book services (e.g. Ebook Central):
Visual resources (e.g. ARTStor):
EndNote-reference manager:
Additional information at Aalto University Learning Centre resource guides:
What topics do you wish to be covered in the meeting? Describe briefly your information need.
Further questions or comments?
* = Required field