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Author:Baldwin, R. E.
Ottaviano, G. I. P.
Title:Multiproduct multinationals and reciprocal FDI dumping
Journal:Journal of International Economics
2001 : AUG, VOL. 54:2, p. 429-448
Index terms:Foreign investment
Multinational companies
Abstract:Global patterns of foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade are remarkably similar, yet mainstay theory has them as substitutes. In the paper, a model where multiproduct, final-goods firms simultaneously engage in intra-industry FDI and intraindustry trade are examined. The logic behind this two-way FDI is analogous to that of two-way trade in the Brander-Krugman reciprocal-dumping model. Namely, multiproduct firms use trade costs to reduce inter-variety competition by placing production of some varieties abroad. Since the varieties are differentiated, all varieties are sold in all markets.
SCIMA record nr: 225177
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