res_id: 39163
Kokotekstit lähes 50 lehdestä. Kokotekstit yli 50 kirjasta ja monografista. Viitteet ja abstraktit yli 470 kausijulkaisusta ja viitteet ja tiivistelmät tuhansista muista nimekkeistä.
Textile Technology Complete contains indexing and abstracting for more than 470 periodical titles, and for thousands of titles drawn from sources such as books, conferences, theses, technical reports and trade literature. Subject coverage includes manufacturing techniques, textile end products, chemicals and dyes, the properties of natural and synthetic fibers and yarns, environmental issues, and the related areas of chemistry, biology and physics. This database also includes full text for nearly 50 journals, as well as over 50 books and monographs.
Aineistotyyppi: E-lehdet | Viitetietokannat
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device_type: computer