haku: @indexterm health service / yhteensä: 651
viitteet: 1-10 / 651
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otsikko | vuosi | tekijä | ||
1. |
Tourism Management
2011 : AUG, VOL. 32:4, p. 709-716 |
2011 | Cormany, D. Baloglu, S. |
2. |
Journal of Business Ethics
2011 : NOV I, VOL. 103:4, p. 543-552 |
2011 | Trapp, N.L. |
3. |
Journal of Business Ethics
2011 : JUL I, VOL. 101:3, p. 459-474 |
2011 | Sirgy, M.J. Lee, D-J. Yu, G.B. |
4. |
Creativity and innovation management
2011 : DEC, VOL. 20:4, p. 330-346 |
2011 | Aagaard, A. Gertsen, F. |
5. |
2011 : JUL, VOL. 18:4, p.541-561 |
2011 | McMurray, R. Pullen, A. Rhodes, C. |
6. |
British Journal of Management
2011 : DEC, VOL. 22:4, p. 567-585 |
2011 | Lawrence, S. A. Callan, V. J. |
7. |
Journal of Business Ethics
2011 : FEB I, VOL. 98:3, p. 353-372 |
2011 | Valentine, S. (et al.) |
8. |
Nordiske organisasjons studier
2011 : VOL. 13:4, p. 3-28 |
2011 | Riiskjaer, E. (et al.) |
9. |
Corporate social responsibility and the benefits of employee trust: A cross-disciplinary perspective
Journal of Business Ethics
2011 : AUG I, VOL. 102:1, p. 29-45 |
2011 | Hansen, S.D. (et al.) |
10. |
Knowledge management research & practice
2011 : DEC, VOL. 9:4, p. 342-352 |
2011 | Radaelli, G. (et al.) |
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