haku: @indexterm HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS / yhteensä: 243
viite: 33 / 243
Tekijä:DeJuan, J.P.
Seater, J.J.
Otsikko:A simple test of Friedman's permanent income hypothesis
2006 : FEB, VOL. 73:289, p. 27-46
Asiasana:economic theory
household economics
Vapaa asiasana:elasticity
Tiivistelmä:It is predicted by Friedman's Permanent Income Hypothesis (PIH) that the income elasticity of consumption should be higher for households (here as: h-dlds.) for which a large fraction of the variation of their income is permanent than for h-hlds. facing more transitory variations in income. This prediction is tested using modern h-hlds. data of the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey. The results offer some support for the PIH.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 265099
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