haku: @indexterm ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY / yhteensä: 37
viite: 24 / 37
Tekijä:Froeb, L.
Geweke, J.
Otsikko:Long run competition in the U.S. aluminium industry.
Lehti:International Journal of Industrial Organization
1987 : MAR, VOL. 5:1, p. 67-78
Tiivistelmä:A study of methodology for assessing the dynamic structure-performance relationships in a single industry, the US aluminium industry. The implications of long-term competitive behaviour for a simple simultaneous equations model of structure and performance were derived and tested using recently developed methods to interpret economic time series. The authors opine that the structure and performance of this industry in the postwar period confirmed to the hypothesis that the primary aluminium market was in the long-term competitive. One Figure and four equations are given. The appendix gives data for the aluminium industry.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 55825
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