haku: @indexterm contingency theory / yhteensä: 70
viite: 8 / 70
Tekijä:Dickinson, S.J.
Ramaseshan, B.
Otsikko:Maximising performance gains from cooperative marketing: Understanding the role of environmental contexts
Lehti:Journal of Marketing Management
2008 : JUL, VOL. 24:5-6, p. 541-566
contingency theory
performance appraisal
Tiivistelmä:Understanding the situational relevance of strategy is vital given that strategies have varying utilities under different environmental settings, resulting in performance (hereafter as: perf.) variations. Using quantitative survey results, this paper examines the relationship btw. co-operative marketing and perf. outcomes across varying environmental (here as: env-al.) contexts. Provided is an insight into the environment-strategy-perf. relationship through a holistic env-al. approach and detailing the environments conducive to co-marketing strategy implementation etc.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 268198
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