haku: @freeterm enforcement / yhteensä: 6
viite: 2 / 6
Tekijä:Basu, A.K.
Chau, N.H.
Kanbur, R.
Otsikko:Turning a blind eye: costly enforcement, credible commitment and minimum wage laws
Lehti:Economic Journal
2010 : MAR, VOL 120:543 p. 244-269
Asiasana:minimum wage
Vapaa asiasana:enforcement
Tiivistelmä:In several countries, non-compliance with minimum wage legislation is widespread and authorities may be seen as having turned a blind eye to legislation they have themselves passed. In this paper it is shown that doing this can indeed be an equilibrium phenomenon with ex post credibility, in a model of minimum wage policy with imperfect competition, imperfect enforcement, and imperfect commitment. Since credible enforcement requires costly ex post transfer of income from employers to workers, a government concerned only with efficiency but not with distribution is shown, paradoxically, to be unable to credibly elicit efficiency improvements via minimum wage reform.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 272946
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