Author:Guo, Yuanxi
Title:A good start--review the experiment with a new system in Sichuan (original in Chinese)
Journal:Reform of Economic System (c)
1994 : 5, p.42-54
Abstract:After one year of exploration of a new system, Sichuan's 22 firms have a good start. The efficiency of these experiment firms is far better than other common ones. What's more important , their reforms have been making big progress as follows: building up a new system of firms' property rights, changing firms' organization system, establishing new firms' management structures, practicing firms' new management system, reforming firms' accounting system according to the new one, separating social businesses in from firms and forming a new relationship between governments and firms, running businesses funds with overseas and cooperating with foreign firms and adjusting product mix and operating in many kinds of channels.
SCIMA record nr: 139676
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