Author:Flajs, A.
Title:Obracun bruto domacega proizvoda in skrita ekonomija
Journal:IB revija
1995 : VOL. 29:4-5, p. 17-25
Index terms:
Freeterms:economy, gross domestic product,
evaluation, gray economy, households,
production, value added, level of
Abstract:The article deals with the sources, methods, ways and problems concerning the estimation of basic groups of household production activities within the GDP estimates.The hidden production is the major source of problems with estimation of gross production, intermediate consumption, processing and selected processing categories of various household production activities. The processing value of these activities enters the GDP as a hidden labour, entrepreneurial and capital income.As well analysed in the research was the problem of partner enterprises which are a constituent part of institutional corporate sector within the system of national accounts.It is essential in the market economy that legal and other forms of production organisation enable the households simple and quick integration in the production process as well as entry in the legal corporate sector.The analysis revealed a number of partner enterprises features and the problem of overvalued costs as a general form of concealing labour and entrepreneurial income.The total value of processing which could be defined as hidden economy has been rising in the GDP structure over the past years and accounted for as much as 10% of the estimated GDP in 1993.One third of this figure is accounted for by entrepreneurial income and property rents , one fourth by hidden labour income and the rest by incomes deriving from housing services and a flat renting income.
SCIMA record nr: 145764
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