Author:Fischer, R.
Mirman, L.
Title:The complete fish wars: biological and dynamic interactions
Journal:Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
1996 : JAN, VOL. 30:1, p. 34-42
Abstract:In this article the authors study an example of a fishery in which there are two agents, each harvesting two species of a fish. There are two externalities in the model: the dynamic externality studied in Levhari and Mirman (1980) and the biological externality examined in Fischer and Mirman (1992). This model allows the authors to study the interactions between agents in a model in which the species of fish interact. The authors find a unique closed loop Nash equilibrium in the context of a differential game and they compare the resulting catch ratios to the results of the earlier papers, which allow for one externality.
SCIMA record nr: 147090
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