Author:Chen, Feixiang
Title:On the adjustment of international payment in the growth of China's economy (original in Chinese)
Journal:Economics Information (c)
1997 : 1, p.40-43
Abstract:To deal with the problem of international payment, we should keep a rapider economic growth rate which is the basic starting point. At the same time, we should also make the scale of international payment retain a moderately growth rate. The theoretical objective for tackling this problem is to keep external balance while in the practical operation ,emphasis is put on the adjustment of the structure of international payment. In the stage of economic take-off, it is suitable to keep a general balance of international payment dynamically with moderate deficits. Besides, we should implement an exchange rate system under control to make the exchange rate of the RMB adjusted flexibly according to market supply and demand. It will be a more powerful guarantee for keeping the balance of international payment in China.
SCIMA record nr: 160443
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