Author:Gbotokuma, Z.
Title:The Sub-Saharan African underdevelopment: what's morality got to do with it?
Journal:Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives
1998 : DEC, VOL. 17:4, p. 29-58
Index terms:AFRICA
Abstract:Almost one century of the so-called civilizing mission and four decades of independence and of international aid from the most highly industrialized nations have largely failed the objective of economic development within sub-Saharan African countries. That failure has both external and internal reasons. The external reasons include the slave trade, colonization, capitalism and international division of labor, and Cold War-related international aid. The internal reasons are dictatorship and ceaseless coups d'Etat, corruption and megalomania, guerrilas and civil wars, sexism, and apartheid.
SCIMA record nr: 189329
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