Author:Zhong, Wei
Yu, Shangping
Title:Adjustment of monetary policy regulations under the back ground of stabilized exchange rate (original in Chinese)
Journal:Economic Science (c)
1998 : 6, p.44-49
Abstract:The author thinks that nominal exchange rate should have trigger mechanism for withdrawal and control over the total money supply shift from adjustment of simple currency regulations to that of plural currency regulations under the back ground of stabilized exchange rate. The establishment of trigger mechanism for withdrawal aims at avoiding the undue deterioration of international payment and export growth sliding down when exchange rate is used as the anti-inflation tool, and helping pursue the currency authorities' plan on stabilizing exchange rate. The author raises the above shift in view of the fact that the stability of money demand under open economy is wakening gradually and in the simple currency regulations, however, the unexpected shock from the outside to stabilizing exchange rate hasn't been taken into account.
SCIMA record nr: 190812
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