Author:Zhou, Chunmei
Title:Research on several legal problems of BOT pattern (original in Chinese)
Journal:International Economics and Trade Research (c)
1999 : 3, p.44-48
Index terms:CO-OPERATION
Abstract:BOT, springing up in early 1980s, is a new form of international economic cooperation suitable for infrastructure construction. BOT pattern is complicated contract arrangement in a sense. The most important is BOT franchise contract, whose legal character is still disputed. In this article, it is considered an internal law contract with a nature of public law. China has been introduced BOT pattern in a regulated way since 1993, and currently the utilization of BOT is in a stage of experiments with an imperfect legislation. It is considered that, to solve the problem, China is expected to adjust the current legislation concerning BOT pattern and make special legislation in connection with BOT pattern, creating a favorable environment for extending BOT pattern in China.
SCIMA record nr: 197559
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