Author:Collinson, E.
Quinn, L.
Title:The Impact of Collaboration Between Industry and Academia on SME Growth
Journal:Journal of Marketing Management
2002 : APR, VOL. 18:3-4, p. 415-434
Index terms:INDUSTRIES
Abstract:One important aspect in the small firm sector is the increased provision of training available to encourage small businesses to expand and develop their knowledge base. In the belief that new small firms can generate a number of new jobs at a time of high unemployment, the UK government in the early 1980s developed public policy to encourage small firm formation and growth. Measures have been enacted to assist small firms in the UK in areas of taxation, education, funding and placement schemes. (Cross 1983). Although Curran (1986) describes this as a 'heading plunge' into a policy of discrimination in favour of the small enterprise, and is critical of the effectiveness of many of these actions, the measures are a clear indication that public policy.
SCIMA record nr: 236604
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