Author:Mahmood, M.
Title:Trends in services trades in Australia
Journal:Journal of international marketing and marketing research
2005 : JUN, VOL 30:2, p. 93-106
Index terms:Service
Abstract:Trade in services (hereafter as: s-tr. - for 'service/s' as: srv/s.) has outpaced trade in merchandise over the last two decades. The significance of s-tr. in Australia (here as: A.) arises within the broader context of persistent current account deficits. The srv. deficit has run from around 1.6 percent (in the 1970s) to 0.6 percent (by early 1990s) of GDP. A. has ranked 21st among srv. exporting countries with 1.2 percent share of world total exports of srv. in 2000. Srv. exports from A. are dominated (here as: dom'd.) by travel srvs. accounting for almost half of total srv. exports btw. 2002 and 2003. Srv. imports are dom'd. by transportation srvs. especially freight srvs. A.'s s-tr. still remains concentrated within a few countries with the United States (U.S.) being the largest partner.
SCIMA record nr: 258668
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