Author:Pilotta, J.J.
Schultz, D.
Title:Simultaneous media experience and synesthesia
Journal:Journal of Advertising Research
2005 : MAR, VOL. 45:1, p. 19-26
Index terms:advertising
consumer behaviour
media research
Abstract:It is demonstrated that simultaneous media (hereafter as: sim-m.) usage is a fact, undermining typical media (here as: m.) measurements in isolated environments, neglecting the everyday patterns of m. users. More importantly, the sim-m. experience (as: exp.) points to the concept of synesthesia as an exp. integrator of differing sensory fields. The exp. of sim-m. foreground/background relationship needs to be incorporated into the m. planning and allocation mix to actually address the consumers' m. exp. with multitasking.
SCIMA record nr: 260985
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