Author:Hoffman, V.H.
Title:EU ETS and investment decisions: the case of the German electricity industry
Journal:European Management Journal
2007 : DEC, VOL. 25:6 p. 464-474
Index terms:technology
electricity industry
Freeterms:Emission trading
technology investments
Abstract:In this study the authors investigate the issue of European Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and its actual impact on corporate investment decisions. The study focuses on the German electricity industry, which is empirically analyzed. The findings show that costs for CO2 is integrated in their investments decisions with the case study industry. The EU ETS constitutes a main driver for small-scale investments with short amortization times. However with large-scale investments the investing is limited. The authors suggest that policy makers should reflect their long-term reduction intentions in the scarcity of allowances, provide more incentives to increase efficiency and reduce regulatory uncertainty to enhance the large-scale investing.
SCIMA record nr: 266882
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