Author:Moy, P. (et al.)
Title:Options for management of municipal solid waste in New York City: A preliminary comparison of health risks and policy implications
Journal:Journal of Environmental Management
2008 : APR, VOL. 87:1, p. 73-79
Index terms:waste
health and safety
environmental policy
Freeterms:landfill disposal
municipal solid waste
health risk assessment
Abstract:Environmental managers should take also the cancer and non-cancer disease risks in to account when they make decisions about waste management. In this article, the authors compare the health risk assessments of two options for managing New York City's municipal solid waste (hereafter as MSW), which are landfill disposal and waste-to-energy (hereafter as WTE) incineration. According to the findings, both the individual cancer risks and non-cancer health risks are about 5 times greater in the landfill alternative than in the WTE option. However, the utilization of new technology may have influence in the injurious effects that are related to the treatment of MSW.
SCIMA record nr: 268129
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