Author:Williams, J.W.
Title:Envisioning financial disorder: financial surveillance and the securities industry
Journal:Economy and Society
2009 : AUG, VOL. 38:3, p. 460-491
Index terms:financial markets
financial control
Freeterms:cultural economy
Abstract:The term 'financial surveillance' is used as a descriptor for emergent regulatory technologies. This article develops this concept, providing an in-depth analysis of one specific form of financial (here as: fincl.) surveillance (as: srvll.): the real-time monitoring of fincl. markets for breaches of trading rules through the use of sophisticated mathematical algorithms and computerized assessment tools. Based on interviews with one agency's members, Market Regulation Services Inc. performing this service on behalf of a number of individual marketplaces, the article explores the limits and possibilities of this srvll. technology as a mode of fincl. governance, probing its larger significance as a regulatory device engaged in a particular performance of the markets.
SCIMA record nr: 268825
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