Author:McQuarrie, E.F.
Mick, D.G.
Title:A laboratory study of the effect of verbal rhetoric versus repetition when consumers are not directed to process advertising
Journal:International Journal of Advertising
2009 : VOL. 28:2, p. 287-312
Index terms:advertising
consumer behaviour
Abstract:In the magazine advertisements' (here as: ads) headlines, rhetorical figures (as: r-figs.) appear frequently. This paper explores the effect of repetition on ads containing two types of r-figs.: i. easy-to-understand rhymes and ii. challenging puns. It is found that high levels of repetition may not be necessary when ad headlines contain such r-figs., even under conditions with subjects not directed to process the ads. Furthermore, rhymes seem to be at least as effective as puns when consumers are free to ignore ads. Overall, supported is the idea that getting the ad message right is probably more important than simply repeating the message several times.
SCIMA record nr: 269625
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