Author:Palmer, A.
Koenig-Lewis, N.
Title:Primary and secondary effects of emotions on behavioural intention of theatre clients
Journal:Journal of Marketing Management
2010 : DEC, VOL. 26:13-14, p. 1201-1217
Index terms:consumer behaviour
consumer satisfaction
theatre industry
Abstract:Emotions have turned out to be an increasingly important component of customer satisfaction (henceforth as: c-sat.) and an antecedent of repurchase and referral behaviour. This paper reports on a study of more than 510 theatre guests. The study's framework differentiated btw. a core service (herein as: c-s.) offer, operationalized here as a musical performed on-stage, and the secondary service (here as: 2nd-s.) offer referring herein to supporting facilities available at the venue. There is found evidence of emotions having a differential effect on c-sat. with the c-s. (performance) and the 2nd-s. (venue). While positive emotions had a direct and significant effect on both c-s. c-sat. and 2nd-s. c-sat., negative emotions had no effect on c-s. c-sat. Positive and negative emotions only had an effect on respondents' likelihood of recommending the c-s. to a friend.
SCIMA record nr: 272391
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