Author:James, K.
Title:Introduction to the special issue: Terrorism, disaster, and organizational science
Journal:Journal of Organizational Behavior
2011 : OCT, VOL. 32:7 p. 933-937
Index terms:crisis management
organizational behaviour
working conditions
facility management
corporate culture
Abstract:This special issue focuses on organizations' preparation for and response to disaster and terrorism. It contains also the following articles:
"Beyond the red tape: how victims of terrorism perceive and react to organizational responses to their suffering" by D. A. Waldman, A. Carmeli and M. Y. Halevi
"Money over man versus caring and compassion? Challenges for today's organizations and their leaders" by C. Peus
"Terrorism threat and networking: evidence that terrorism salience decereases occupational networking" by A. Kastenmüller et al.
"Responses to adversarial situations and collective intelligence" by A. W. Woolley
"How and why terrorism corrupts the consistency principle of organizational justice" by J. H. Stein, D. Steinley and R. Cropanzano
"Pitfalls of administering justice in an inconsistent world: some reflections on the consistency rule" by D. L. Patient
"The organizational science of disaster/terrorism prevention and response: theory-building toward the future of the field" by K. James
SCIMA record nr: 275822
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