Author:Farrell, J.
Saloner, G.
Title:Installed base and compatibility: Innovation, product preannouncements, and predation. (!COMPLEMENTARY PRODUCTS)(!COMPATIBLE GOODS)
Journal:American Economic Review
1986 : DEC, VOL. 76:5, p. 940-970
Index terms:INNOVATION
Abstract:A good is often more valuable to any user,the more others use compatible goods. It is shown that this effect may inhibit innovation. If an installed base exists and transition to a new standard must be gradual early adopters bear a disproportionate share of transient incompatibility costs. This can cause "excess inertia". The installed base, however,is "stranded" if the new standard is adopted: this may create "excess momentum". These dynamic effects have strategic implications. The direction of further investigation are also discussed.
SCIMA record nr: 52496
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