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Author:Haeckel, S. H.
Title:Peripheral vision: sensing and acting on weak signals making meaning out of apparent noise: the need for a new managerial framework
Journal:Long Range Planning
2004 : APR, VOL. 37:2, p. 181-189
Index terms:Long range planning
Management development
Abstract:Doing business in the face of constant change requires a shift from a 'make-and sell' to a 'sense-and-respond' framework. This in turn requires four new competencies which require intense attention to what would have been considered the periphery of the traditional make-and-sell company - the customers and environment. The paper concludes by saying it is important to invest in expanding an organisation's peripheral vision because it will make meaning out of apparent noise; it will extend the number and types of signals that can be sensed.
SCIMA record nr: 255932
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