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Author:Comer, D. R.
Vega, G.
Title:Using the PET assessment instrument to help students identify factors that could impede moral behavior
Journal:Journal of Business Ethics
2008 : JAN I, VOL. 77:2, p. 129-145
Index terms:personality measurement
decision making
Abstract:This paper presents an instrument developed to assess the personal ethical threshold (hereafter as: PET). PET describes how situational pressure in the organization affects person's moral behavior. In addition, PET considers the moral intensity of the issue at hand. Persons with high PET are more likely to act morally even in the face of high situational pressures. The data was gathered from 506 students by using PET questionnaires. It is found that older students have higher PETs. Also, the study assesses some geographical differences in PETs.
SCIMA record nr: 266858
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