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Author:San-Jose, L.
Retolaza, J.L.
Gutierrez-Goiria, J.
Title:Are ethical banks different? A comparative analysis using the radical affinity index
Journal:Journal of Business Ethics
2011 : APR II, VOL. 100:1, p. 151-173
Index terms:Europe
Abstract:This study deals with the differences btw. traditional financial intermediaries and ethical banks based on property rights. In ethical banking, affinity focuses on positive social and ethical values. Hence, this study concentrates on an index proposed both to differentiate ethical banks from others, and also to point out the differences btw. the various ethical banks themselves. The Radical Affinity Index (RAI) groups together banks as to their stance on ethical commitment, concentrating on ethical ideology and principles. Based on a sample of more than 110 European banks, it is shown that transparency of information and placement of assets are factors differentiating ethical banks from other financial intermediaries. Guarantees and participation are characteristics specific to ethical banks. Yet, there is no clear evidence from these variables for this study's analysis.
SCIMA record nr: 272838
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