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Author:Capezio, A.
Shields, J.
O'Donnell, M.
Title:Too good to be true: board structural independence as a moderator of CEO pay-for-firm-performance
Journal:Journal of Management Studies
2011 : MAY, VOL. 48:3 p. 487-513
Index terms:executives
Freeterms:best practices
Abstract:This article tests if board structural independence, and the application of result-based incentive plans, affect the enforcement of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) pay-for-firm-performance. A large Australian sample is analyzed using a system Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) approach to dynamic panel data estimation. It is found that Australian boards having best practice structural arrangements don't enforce CEO pay-for-firm-performance more than executive-dominated boards.
SCIMA record nr: 275536
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