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Author:Al Ariss, A.
Syed, J.
Title:Capital mobilization of skilled migrants: a relational perspective
Journal:British Journal of Management
2011 : JUN, VOL. 22:2 p. 286-304
Index terms:human capital
skilled workers
foreign workers
resource management
Abstract:This article examines how skilled migrants from developing countries mobilize capital in their efforts to start an international career. Drawing on a qualitative study of skilled Lebanese in Paris, the article has two main contributions to the research on human resource management. First it broadens our understanding of the strategies that skilled migrants use to relocate from a developing country to an industrialized country. Second, it offers a relational explanation of their capital mobilization in a way to contain micro-individual, meso-organizational and macro-contextual effects that affect their career choices.
SCIMA record nr: 276098
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