search query: @author Koopman, P. L. / total: 3
references: 1-3 / 3
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Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
1997 : MAR, VOL. 70:1, p. 19-34
1997 Hartog, D. N. den
Muijen, J. J. van
Koopman, P. L.
Journal of General Management
1983 : /84 WINTER, VOL. 9:2, p. 57-73
1983 Drenth, P. J. D.
Koopman, P. L.
Human Relations
1981 : AUG, VOL. 34:8, p. 657-676
1981 Koopman, P. L.
Drenth, P. J. D.
Bus, F. B. M.
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