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Author:Graedel, T. E.
Title:The contemporary European copper cycle: introduction
Journal:Ecological Economics
2002 : AUG, VOL. 42:1-2, p. 5-8
Index terms:EUROPE
Abstract:An analytical tool coming into increasing use in industrial ecology is materials flow analysis (MFA). A related tool is substance flow analysis (SFA) The SFA analysis approach involves choosing a material for study, identifying the system to be analyzed (a corporation, a city, a country, the planet), and then attempting to answer some or all of the following questions: How much material enters the system; How is the material transformed; How much material escapes from the system to the environment; How much material is added to the stock in use; How much material is archived in landfills and other reservoirs; How much material is recycled; What trends exist in these flows and stocks.
SCIMA record nr: 238788
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