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Author:Lu, X.
Lo, H-P.
Title:Television audience satisfaction antecedents and consequences
Journal:Journal of Advertising Research
2007 : SEP, VOL. 47:3, p. 354-363
Index terms:advertising effectiveness
television advertising
consumer satisfaction
Abstract:This study deals with audience viewing behaviour by investigating the antecedents (here as: ants.) and consequences (as: conqs.) of audience satisfaction (as: aud-satfn.) of television programs. Besides the constructs of "cognitive expectation" and "audience involvement" from the previous research, this study hypothesizes that "connectedness" and "TV programs' performance at attribute level" are two additional ants. of aud-satfn. Consistent with satisfaction research in marketing, "repeat watching intention" and "audience voice" are proposed as two consqs. of aud-satfn. etc.
SCIMA record nr: 266948
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