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Author:Waeraas, A.
Oesthus, R.
Solbakk, M.N.
Title:Det ekspressive helseforetak. Strategisk selvpresentasjon i den norske sykehussektoren
Journal:Nordiske organisasjons studier
2008 : VOL. 10:4, p. 62-89
Index terms:public sector
health service
hospital management
Nordic countries
Freeterms:organizational identity
organizational reputation
Abstract:This study focuses on the self-expressive activities of Norwegian hospitals (hereafter as; hosps). It is explored the extent to which the hosps.: i. are preoccupied with their organizational identity and reputation, ii. aim to convey their identities via a range of expressive means, and iii. succeed in creating differentiation through these means. There is found an extensive use of core values, visions, and mission statements. Also, revealed is a considerable increase in the hosps.' focus on the reputation following the introduction of a recent hospital act (original in Norwegian).
SCIMA record nr: 267512
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