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Author:Hofstede, G.
Minkov, M.
Title:Long- versus short-term orientation: new perspectives
Journal:Asia Pacific Business Review
2010 : OCT, VOL. 16:4, p. 493-504
Index terms:international
economic growth
Freeterms:business values
environmental values
national values
Abstract:Long- vs. short-term orientation, a national value dimension (here as: dmn/s.) originally found by Bond among 23 countries' students, became Hofstede's (1991) 5th dmn/s. of national cultures. Gathered from representative samples, Minkov's recent analyses (2007) of World Values Survey data allow an update of a new version across 93 countries. The dmn/s' national scores correlate with certain family values (as: vls.), with school results, with business vls., with environmental vls. and, under favourable historical conditions, with economic growth. In 1988, the dmn/s. scores led to a prediction of China's economic success. The new scores allow new predictions for economic developments all around the world.
SCIMA record nr: 271964
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