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Author:Suominen, S.
Title:Critics review or preceding week's admissions explaining movie admissions
Journal:Liiketaloudellinen aikakauskirja
2011 : 3, p. 290-315
Index terms:film industry
culture marketing
consumer behaviour
Nordic countries
Abstract:A panel data method approach is utilized in order to explain weekly movie admissions (henceforth as: w-m-adms.) in Finland in 2003. Based on the results, it is indicated that when word-of-mouth is taken into account, critical reviews do not appear to remarkably explain w-m-adms. With admission figures being typically highest during the 1st weeks, a variable "weeks since released" is used to control for this peak. It is shown to be significant, as well as the price to be variable. Price elasticity of w-m-adms. is approximately -1. It is also indicated based on panel data analysis that the fixed effects model is the most suitable for explaining w-m-adms. in Finland in 2003.
SCIMA record nr: 274147
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