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Author:Gregorcic, L.
Title:The role of treasury of state in the national financial market
Journal:Bancni vestnik
1995 : VOL. 44:10, p. 27-33
Abstract:The article deals with the instruments and activities by which the treasury of state affects the actions on the domestic financial market.The activities of private participants in the financial market are deliberately not treated by the paper, consequently aaI my attention is devoted to the actions taken by the governmental institutions and the relations among them.I begin by briefly talking about the impact that the state fiscal policy has on activities on the national financial market.Next, I concentrate on the results of borowing of the state with different subjects of the national financial market.It has been determined that by its policy the treasury of state regulates the liquidity of the overall national financial system.In my paper I then deal with the various forms of state debt, its instruments and methods of borrowing.The chapter on non-market state debt is especially interesting, since in Slovenia there is practically no such thing as non-market state debt.I devote a lot of space to different views on the optimal structure of the state debt and on the relations between the treasury of the state and the central bank or rather the impact that the regulation of the state debt does not any longer affect the activities on the national financial market and that such role has been assigned to the monetary and fiscal policy.
SCIMA record nr: 142475
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