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Author:Matzler, K.
Stieger, D.
Füller, J.
Title:Consumer confusion in Internet-based mass customization: testing a network of antecedents and consequences
Journal:Journal of Consumer Policy
2011 : JUN, VOL. 34:2, p. 231-247
Index terms:consumer behaviour
Freeterms:mass customization
Abstract:Mass customization is a utilized strategy in creating value by customizing products to customers' needs and at the same time in keeping costs low. This study tests a network of antecedents and consequences dealing with three dimensions of consumer confusion (henceforth as: c-cfn.), that is, similarity, overload, and unclarity confusion. Product knowledge and usability decrease c-cfn. C-cnf. is negatively related to satisfaction with the product, experienced fun, and trust. Through these processes, word-of-mouth (WOM) is also affected by c-cnf.
SCIMA record nr: 273157
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