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Author:Antunes, D.
Thomas, H.
Title:The competitive (dis)advantages of European business schools
Journal:Long Range Planning
2007 : JUN, VOL. 40:3, p. 382-404
Index terms:competitive advantage
business schools
management education
Abstract:European (hereafter as: E.) business (here as: buss.) schools have developed their own identities, styles and approaches to management education despite the dominating U.S. buss. school model. Especially, E. buss. schools focus on reflective, integrative and action-based learning, public sector management and public policy issues, offering a greater sensitivity to international relations. This paper explains the evolution of buss. schools on both sides of the Atlantic. Using evidence from rankings published annually by the Financial Times, the key features of E. buss. schools are addressed. The competitive characteristics and the relative strengths and advantages of E. buss. schools over their U.S. counterparts are presented.
SCIMA record nr: 267620
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