search query: @indexterm HOUSING FINANCE / total: 104
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Author:Huang, Dayu
Title:The status quo and development of housing finance in China (original in Chinese)
Journal:Economic Problems (c)
1998 : 6, p.43-46
Abstract:Overall China's housing financial development is rather slow in speed and low in level and backward compared with the advanced countries and even some developing countries. This paper gives its ideas on the development of housing finance: we should take different housing financial development models during the period of economic transition and after the period and when China enters the period of the standardized market economy. During the former period, we will take the model with housing accumulation funds as the mainstay, to be supplemented by housing savings and personal mortgage loans. During the latter period, e will take the model with personal mortgage loans as the mainstay, to be supplemented by housing accumulation funds and housing savings.
SCIMA record nr: 185905
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