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Author:Jin, Shuanghua
Title:A blueprint for the perfection of the financial system in residential consumption (original in Chinese)
Journal:Research on Financial and Economic Problems (c)
1998 : 8, p.30-31
Abstract:The essay analyses the current situation of our consumption of commercial residences in recent years and the measures taken by government and all circles of the society to promote the consumption of commercial residences. It puts forward a blueprint to perfect the consumption of private residences: 1.The government will take up the matter of establishing a financial system granted for policy considerations, which fits in with the residential consumption of families with medium or lower incomes. The utilization of funds is based on low interest rates for loans and deposits. 2. To establish a general financial system for private residential consumption. The sources of funds may include various forms, such as long-term bonds.
SCIMA record nr: 187498
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