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Author:Singh, P.
Saxena, P. K.
Title:The multiple objective time transportation problem with additional restrictions
Journal:European Journal of Operational Research
2003 : MAY, VOL. 146:3, p. 460-476
Index terms:Operational research
Econometric models
Freeterms:Time transportation
Abstract:This paper deals with Multiple Time Transportation Problem with Additional Restrictions (MOTTP). This MOTTP with non-linear bottleneck objective functions is related to Lexicographic Multiple Time Transportation Problem with Additional Restrictions, which is solved by a lexicographic primal code. An algorithm and its underlying theory is developed to determine an initial efficient basic solution of this MOTTP. The developed algorithm is supported by a real life example of minimizing the shipping time, loading/unloading time and congestion time for transporting ore from source i to destination j for a Steel Industry.
SCIMA record nr: 250762
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