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Author:Wang, Shicai
Title:The development of economic and trade cooperation between Jilin province and Russia's far east area: potential and countermeasures (original in Chinese)
Journal:Northeast Asia Forum (c)
1996 : 3, p.76-80
Index terms:CIS
Abstract:As Jilin province is near Russia's far east area and both sides have strong complementary in the economic and trade cooperation, there is a great potential in the cooperation in these aspects like barter trade, labor service cooperation, joint venture, technological cooperation and sci-tech exchange. In the course of cooperation, Jilin province should always stress the quality of export products in order to establish a branded product image. It should also bring into play its superiority's and strengthen the construction of the export base of farm and animal husbandry products. Besides, it has to choose the right partners and establish long-term stable relationship with them, and avoid high investment risk as well.
SCIMA record nr: 156645
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