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Author:Skyner, L.
Title:Property as rhetoric: land ownership and private law in pre-Soviet and post-Soviet Russia
Journal:Europe-Asia Studies
2003 : SEP, VOL. 55:6, p. 889-905
Index terms:Land ownership
Abstract:This article attempts to be novel by locating the presumption that there is an inherent opposition between collective and private forms of property ownership within the actual context within which it was advocated, implemented and developed. By examining the development of property in terms of its political, economic and social significance, it will attempt to elaborate upon the disjuncture between the aims of formal legal change and their legislative expression, reception, adaptation and utilisation. It will suggest why the perennial weakness of legal reform can both explain and be explained by the inability of property to develop as an institutionaling agency.
SCIMA record nr: 254077
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