search query: @indexterm TAX EVASION / total: 119
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Author:Niepelt, D.
Title:Timing tax evasion
Journal:Journal of Public Economics
2005 : SEP, VOL 89:9-10, p. 1611-1637
Index terms:Taxation
Tax evasion
Abstract:The paper proposes two alternative, dynamic explanations for interior tax evasion (here as: t-evn.) rates: First, fines increasing in the duration of an t-evn. spell, implying that the expected costs of t-evn. increase convexly with the time spent non-reporting, while the benefits increase linearly. Second, different vintages of income sources subject to aggregate risk and fixed costs when switched btw. t-evn. states. The dynamic approach yields a transparent representation of revenue losses and social costs due to t-evn., novel findings on the effect of policy on t-evn., and a tractable framework for the analysis of t-evn. dynamics.
SCIMA record nr: 259031
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