search query: @indexterm TAX EVASION / total: 119
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Author:Bayer, R.
Title:A contest with the taxman: the impact of tax rates on tax evasion and wastefully invested resources
Journal:European Economic Review
2006 : JUL, VOL. 50:5, p. 1071-1104
Index terms:agency theory
moral hazard
tax audits
tax evasion
Abstract:This article examines the impact of tax rates on tax evasion and wastefully invested resources by developing an auditing moral hazard model where both the principal and the agent can influence the probability that the true state of nature is verified. This framework can also be used to study tax evasion. The authors find that higher tax rates cause more tax evasion and increase the resources wasted in the contest between the taxpayer and the authority.
SCIMA record nr: 261918
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