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Author:Khorana, A.
Servaes, H.
Wedge, L.
Title:Portfolio manager ownership and fund performance
Journal:Journal of Financial Economics
2007 : JUL, VOL. 85:1, p. 179-204
Index terms:portfolio management
Abstract:This paper documents the range of portfolio manager ownership (here as: o-ship.) in the funds they manage. It is explored whether higher o-ship. is associated with improved future performance (here as: perf). Almost half of all managers have o-ship. stakes in their managed funds. Future risk-adjusted perf. is positively related to managerial o-ship., with perf. improving by about three basis points (as: b-pt./b-pts.) for each b-pt. of managerial o-ship. Fund manager o-ship. is higher in funds with better past perf., lower front-end loads, smaller size, longer managerial tenure, and funds affiliated with smaller families etc.
SCIMA record nr: 267829
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